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La Nomasei Family
Nomasei Family

The Nomasei Family

Monia Chokri and Magalie Lépine-Blondeau , César 2024 for best foreign film for Simple like Sylvain , wear Nomasei on a daily basis and answer our questions.

What is your profession ?

Monia : Director and actress

Magalie : Actress

What is your mantra?

Monia : "Theres is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." (Leonard Cohen).

Magalie : My father always says “Life is moments”. It’s kind of our family mantra.

Your best find for managing stress/fright?

Monia : Swimming.

Magalie : Did a good job. Revise. Breathe. And play tennis.

How do you feel in your Nomasei?

Monica : I feel super comfortable, strong and elegant.

Magalie : I feel both comfortable and beautiful; these two epithets have unfortunately not always been compatible in my life as a woman.

What is your comfort place?

Monia : Any beach in the Mediterranean makes me happy and serene

Magalie : Where there is water: at the sea, in my bath, on the dock of our family home.

The Nomasei family are strong women , women who inspire us .

They are friends , clients or strangers who wear Nomasei in their daily lives.



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