This new campaign about dance is important to me. I had wanted it for a long time but I needed a little more Nomasei experience to set it up properly.Dance is central to my creation. No matter what model I create, when I like a sketch, my first question is, can I dance with these shoes? Let’s say that’s my absolute criterion.

The volumes of Nomasei shoes are inspired by those of ballet slippers. I always choose soft and enveloping materials, such as dance training clothes. The lines of our sandals always reflect the drawing of a dance gesture.
As a child, dance was my first passion before the shoes, it was engraved in my imagination to the point of being part of my creative world and then, of Nomasei’s DNA.

When I lived in Buenos Aires I studied the comfort of tango shoes. These sandals with stiletto heels with which women dance all night long in the city’s tango clubs. I spent 5 years dancing as much as them on these famous heels, I met all the craftsmen and made my own shoes before returning to Paris with this secret of comfort so dear to Nomasei today.





The dancer of this campaign is called Suzanne, contemporary dancer, she improvises some movements for each Nomasei model. She’s dancing in Nomasei.
Hope you enjoy these images as much as I do.
Lots of love, Paule